Kefir, one of the oldest cultured milk products in existence, is regarded by many (including me) as a super food. It is a fermented, yogurt-like drink made from cow, goat or sheep’s milk, containing probiotic yeasts along with ten strains of live, beneficial bacteria … billions of active probiotics to support the immune system and balance the gut microbiome. Here’s a delicious way to get the health benefits of kefir into yourself and your family … a refreshing reworking of an old Armenian recipe. If you’ve perused the Kefir page on this site, you’ll perhaps recall that kefir comes from the Caucasus Mountains in that part of the world.

KEFIR AND TURKEY MEATBALL SOUP My modification of an ancient Armenian recipe MEATBALLS:
2 lbs ground, organic turkey
2/3 cup almond flour
1 organic egg, beaten
A dash of cayenne
1 tsp sweet paprika
Sea salt & black pepper to taste
Fill a large, wide pot with water and bring it to a boil.
Combine the meatball ingredients well in a large bowl –- kneading with your hands is the easiest way.
Form dough into 1” meatballs.
Drop meatballs, in small batches so they have room to move around without sticking to each other, into the boiling water until they float (takes a minute or two). With a slotted spoon, remove to a plate or dish while you cook the rest in batches.
Pour out water & dry the pot.
¼ cup ghee or organic sweet butter
1 large sweet onion, chopped
1 organic red pepper, chopped
4 cups of plain kefir
1 package pre-washed, organic baby spinach
1 package frozen organic peas
Chopped fresh mint leaves (optional)
Melt the ghee or butter over medium high heat in the dry pot and saute the chopped onion in it until clear.
When the onion is nearly cooked, add the chopped red pepper and cook until soft.
Stir in the cooked meatballs.
Stir in baby spinach.
Add peas and cook a few minutes until they’re thawed.
Stir in kefir – but do not allow the dish to come to a boil or the plentiful probiotics in the kefir will be killed off.
Serve in soup bowls.
Garnish with chopped mint (if using) and a sprinkle of paprika.
Serves 6
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DISCLAIMER: Nothing on this site or blog is intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.