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Root Canals & Breast Cancer

Writer's picture: Joan Rothchild HardinJoan Rothchild Hardin




“In accordance with ancient Chinese medicine, the mouth is a reflection of the person’s total health. Ancient Chinese physicians would examine the patient’s teeth, gums, tongue and oral cavity before they examined the rest of the patient’s body.” (My Dentist, undated)

You can use this INTERACTIVE MERIDIAN TOOTH CHART to learn about each tooth’s relationship to your overall health. For example, if you enter BREAST in the ‘Select An Organ’ box, you’ll see that these teeth share meridians with the breasts: 17, 16, 26, 27, 35, 34, 44, and 45.

Then you can click on each of those teeth to see which other organs are connected on that meridian.

I highly recommend doing this. It’s illuminating. For example, here’s what you get when you enter KIDNEYS and click on Tooth #3, the first molar:


WHAT IS A ROOT CANAL PROCEDURE Root canal treatment is the removal of the tooth’s pulp, a small, thread-like tissue in the center of the tooth. Once the damaged, diseased or dead pulp is removed, the remaining space is cleaned, shaped and filled. This procedure seals off the root canal. Years ago, teeth with diseased or injured pulps were removed. Today, root canal treatment saves many teeth that would otherwise be lost.

“The most common causes of pulp damage or death are:

  • A cracked tooth

  • A deep cavity

  • An injury to a tooth, such as a severe knock to the tooth, either recent or in the past

“Once the pulp is infected or dead, if left untreated, pus can build up at the root tip in the jawbone, forming an abscess. An abscess can destroy the bone surrounding the tooth and cause pain.” (Colgate Oral Care Center, 2016)


Root canal information (American Association of Endodontics, 2016):

  • More than 15 million root canals are performed every year.

  • More than 41,000 root canals are performed each day.

  • Endodontists perform 25 root canal treatments each week; general dentists perform fewer than 2.


That’s a lot of root canal procedures – but are they safe? Many dentists, doctors, and researchers say ‘no’, that root canals pose serious health risks for the vast majority of us whose immune system functioning has been depressed by poor diet, antibiotics, pharmaceuticals, alcohol, chronic high-stress level, exposure to toxins, leaky gut, autoimmune conditions, chronic illness, chronic lack of sleep, etc. WHAT INFRARED THERMOGRAPHY CAN SHOW “Infrared thermography is the technique of converting infrared energy (radiant heat) into an image that a person can see and understand.  We ordinarily see in visible light.  We can compare infrared to visible light – they are not the same, but they are analogous….

“… an infrared camera creates an image by converting radiant heat energy into a signal that can be displayed on a monitor (and later printed).

“The infrared energy emitted from an object is directly proportional to its temperature.  Therefore temperatures are accurately measured by the infrared camera.” (Iris Associates, undated)


“The theory behind thermal imaging, also called digital infrared thermal imaging (DITI), is that normal and abnormal tissues have different heat signatures. So a thermal image, when read by an experienced examiner and run through the proper computer analyses, may reveal the infrared evidence of a potential or actual health issue that may not yet be detectable by other means, such as an X-ray, CAT scan, or MRI.” (Integrative Life Solutions, 2016) Images taken by infrared thermography cameras can be grayscale or color-coded. This grayscale infrared image looks odd because we ordinarily see in visible light while this image shows radiant heat.  As you can see from the temperature scale to the left of the image, the light areas are warmer than the dark areas. 

See Reveal Your Body’s Secrets Through Clinical Thermography and How Does Thermography Work? if you’re interested in getting more information about the technique. On the color legend (along the right side) accompanying the set of four infrared thermograms below, the reds at the top indicate inflammation while the greens and blues at the bottom indicate the absence of inflammation. You can see that the circled area of muscle pain in the woman’s upper arm is cool (blue) so her pain is not due to inflammation, which would have registered in the red range. She does, however, have quite a lot of inflammation elsewhere in her upper body.


Airport security in Greece screens for fever, a sign of infection. Presumably, the man shown on the thermography screen was allowed into the country.

Thermal imaging camera & screen, in an airport terminal in Greece. Thermal imaging can detect fever, one of the signs of infection.


Another infrared thermogram, this one of a house, shows that the windows and most of the siding are doing a good job of keeping the house cozy inside (mostly blue and green) while the roof and a few other areas are allowing a lot of heat loss (bright red).


ROOT CANALS & BREAST CANCER Thermography lets us visualize the relationship between root canals and cancers developing in the breasts. The two sets of thermograms below illustrate, in both grayscale and color, this connection.

The top row in the first set of four shows significant breast inflammation after a failed root canal extraction. The bottom row in this set shows a great reduction of the inflammation following the tooth’s extraction. Before and After Effects of Failed Root Canal Extraction on the Breasts

Top Row – 2012: (Former Camera)

Note the lymph flow from the neck into the chest and breasts, particularly the right breast.

R – TH 4, L – TH 2

Bottom Row – 2015: (Current Camera)

Note the significant reduction in chest inflammation, the increased symmetry between breasts, and the lack of heat/thermal features therein.

R – TH 1, L – TH 1

Following the left tooth #14 extraction, the client’s Thermobiological Risk in the right breast decreased from HIGH risk (4) to LOWEST risk (1). Prevention was supported!!! Of what, we’ll never know… 

(Thermogram Center, 2016) This pair of thermograms below, of a woman who’d had a mastectomy a year earlier, shows intense inflammation in her breast area and chest lymph system (left image) and a rear molar socket infection on the same side (right image). The thermographer noted, “In the upper left image, lymphatic drainage from the right side of the mouth into the chest is apparent.” Tooth Socket Infection and Breast Cancer This 46-year-old female used thermal imaging in 2010 after having had a mastectomy just over a year earlier. While she hadn‘t understood that many teeth can affect the breast, her thermal imaging and the tooth and organ chart revealed to her the possibility of a back molar socket infection and breast connection. In the upper left image, lymphatic drainage from the right side of the mouth into the chest is apparent. (The Thermogram Center, 2016) “In a study of 150 breast cancer patients by Dr. Rau, in Switzerland, 147 of them had had root canals on the same meridian as the breast cancer. The other 3 also had dental problems on the same meridian, but they were not caused by root canals, they were infections in the jawbone caused by some other dental procedure.” (Kehr, 2016) If you have had a root canal and have had, or are concerned about getting breast cancer, I recommend reading Ann Credible’s post about her own experience that led to her understanding the link between root canal,  breast cancer, and several other unpleasant symptoms she was experiencing: Do Root Canals Cause Breast Cancer? “The Breast Meridian is connected to the 4th and 5th tooth from the center tooth, right and left, upper and lower jaw. In other words, if you have a hunk of metal or a root canal in one of those teeth, seriously consider having that issue repaired by a biological dentist.

“Dr. Robert Jones, a researcher of the relationship between root canals and breast cancer, found an extremely high correlation between root canals and breast cancer. In a 5 year study with over 300 cases, Dr. Jones found the following

  •  93 percent of women with breast cancer had root canals

  • 7 percent had other oral pathology

  • Tumors, in the majority of cases, occurred on the same side of the body as the root canal(s) or other oral pathology

(Desaulniers, 2012)


WHAT HAPPENS AFTER A ROOT CANAL Root canals harm the body in two ways:

  1. They create a toxic drip of pathogenic bacteria that impairs the body’s immune system.

  2. Through the acupuncture meridian system, the toxic tooth energetically affects the organ connected to the tooth.

(Desaulniers, 2012) ANATOMY OF A TOOTH Our teeth contain small holes that run horizontally from the inside of the tooth to the outside located within the dentin. Our larger teeth, like molars, can contain up to 3 miles of these tubules.


Microscopic Image of Dentinal Tubules in a Tooth (greatly enlarged)


Microscopic Image of Bacteria Growing Inside the Dentinal Tubules of a Root Canaled Tooth


ROOT CANALS PROMOTE SECONDARY INFECTIONS, RELEASING PATHOGENIC BACTERIA INTO THE BODY Root canals seem to only place a bandage over a life-threatening problem, and more appropriately merely delay the onset of major health issues. Unfortunately there is an underlying misconception that infective agents such as microbes, fungi, and viruses are successfully disinfected within teeth’s gums. However, there are miles of microscopic tubules which are never exposed to sanitizing chemicals. “In studies, up to 50% of the pathogenic bacteria population remained following treatment with the common disinfectant sodium hypochlorite. Adding human error to the equation, secondary health complications arising from root canals seem more likely than not.” (Jockers, 2016) Enterococcus faecalis


One of the toxic anaerobic bacteria that is often present in a root canal is  Enterococcus faecalis. As its name suggests, E. faecalis originates inside the digestive and genitourinary tracts. When it colonizes elsewhere in the body, it can cause life-threatening conditions such as endocarditis, septicemia, urinary tract infections, and meningitis. It is highly pathogenic and often antibiotic-resistant.

In the mouth, E. facaelis colonies are responsible for the formation of abscesses, pus and destruction of tissue.

“E. faecalis has been frequently found in root canal-treated teeth in prevalence values ranging from 30% to 90% of the cases. Root canal-treated teeth are about nine times more likely to harbor E. faecalis than cases of primary infections.”   (Wikipedia, 7/21/2016)


In addition to Enterococcus faecalis, other dangerous bacteria are often found living in tooth systems after a root canal (Jockers, 2016):

  • Pseudomonas: Symptoms associated with Pseudomonas bacteria include a weakened immune system, pneumonia, and blood infections.

  • Staphylococci: Staph bacteria cause skin infections and are often present in pneumonia, blood poisoning, and toxic shock syndrome.

  • Streptococci: Populations of these types of bacteria cause strep throat, pain, fever, dizziness, swelling, confusion, abnormal blood pressure, and toxic shock syndrome.  As the most frequent cause of necrotizing fasciitis, Streptococcus pyogenes, is often referred to as the ‘flesh-eating bacteria’.


Root canals create toxic and dangerous conditions in the mouth. Our teeth are living organisms that connect to the rest of the body via the tubules in each tooth –  around 3 miles of tubules per tooth.

“Saving a dying, infected tooth would be like trying to save an infected appendix or gall bladder, stuffing it with bleach (sodium hypochlorite is routinely used in root canals) and other toxic chemicals, hoping that there would be no effects of long term infections. Sound silly?

“That is exactly what happens when you get a root canal.” (Desaulniers, 2012)

No matter what efforts are made to kill the pathogenic bacteria living in a  root canaled tooth, the truth is that these dead teeth can become seriously toxic sites continuously dripping infection into the body. (Desaulniers, 2012), (Jockers, 2016), & (Mercola, 2015)


ROOT CANALS GREATLY INCREASE THE RISK OF SERIOUS DISEASES Dr. Weston Price (1870-1948) was a prominent dentist known for his meticulous research and writings on the relationship between nutrition, dental and physical health. In 1913 he founded a research institute called the National Dental Association, which later became the research section of the American Dental Association. Price was the NDA’s chairman from 1914 to 1928.

Weston A. Price, DDS


A century ago, “Price was concerned about the pathological bacteria found in nearly all root canal teeth of that time. He was able to transfer diseases harbored by humans from their extracted root canal teeth into rabbits by inserting a fragment of a root canal root under the skin in the belly area of a test rabbit. He found that root canal fragments from a person who had suffered a heart attack, when implanted into a rabbit, would cause a heart attack in the rabbit within a few weeks. Transference of heart disease could be accomplished 100 percent of the time. Some diseases transferred only 88 percent of the time, but the handwriting was on the wall.” (Huggins, 2010)


The truth about root canals may have been written on the wall a century ago but Price was labeled a ‘radical’ by the dental profession, which continued to declare that root canals were perfectly safe. And by the way, the dental mercury in ‘amalgam’ fillings,  was first exposed as a serious health hazard well over a century ago – in 1840 – yet most of us still have these fillings in our teeth. Amalgam fillings are 50% mercury. (Huggins, 2010)

“Dr. Josef Issels, the ‘father of Integrative Medicine’ found that, in his 40 years of treating ‘terminal’ cancer patients, 97% of his cancer patients had root canals.” (Desaulniers, 2012) Root canals have been linked to a wide variety of health conditions known to be adversely affected by inflammation in the body, including:

  • Cancers

  • Heart disease: heart attacks, endocarditis, heart valve infection

  • Arthritis

  • Digestive disorders

  • Neurodegenerative diseases

  • Chronic fatigue

  • Meningitis

(Jockers, 2016) & (Mercola, 2012) “We have identified 28 bacteria that the literature reports are related to heart diseases, including heart attack, endocarditis, and heart valve infection. Neurological diseases are in second place with 23 bacteria reported to be causative or contributing factors. Liver function, kidney, breast cancer – the list becomes alarming, so it is time to inform the public what dentists cannot tell you out of fear of retribution from injured patients and their own association. The Dental Association would move from being one of the most respected professions to the least respected…

“How many people are affected, and how?

“While I cannot list every potential in this article, our figures indicate that over 90 percent of the patients seeking help for dental-related problems suffer from chronic fatigue, and that’s just one example. How tiring can bacteria be? One group certainly can contribute. They are called “porins.” Few doctors and even fewer humans have ever heard of porins. The word comes from “pores.” These bacteria drill holes in red blood cells – pores – that allow hemoglobin to escape into the surrounding blood where the bacteria are lurking to suck up the iron. These bacteria, the porin producers, have a very high appetite for iron, and hemoglobin furnishes a never-ending supply.

“Once a red blood cell has a few pores punched in it – a sleeve is inserted as well, such that the red blood cell cannot heal – the red cell bleeds to death. Now the liver has to process all that hemoglobin scrap relieved of its iron, and calm the body from irritations due to the red cell contents being where they do not belong.

“Another new kid on the block that may be dentally related is meningitis, which is a growing epidemic. When reading an article about the need for another meningitis vaccine, I recalled seeing meningitis listed as an effect of a few different bacteria that thrive in root canals and cavitations. Capnocytophaga ochnacea; Gemella morbillorum; Klebsiella oxytoca; Neisseria meningitidis; Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and a few more.” (Mercola, 2012)

You wouldn’t purchase a car just because a salesperson or an ad says it’s great. Wouldn’t you also want to know if it’s the right one for you? If you want to take more responsibility for maintaining or improving your own and your family’s health, you would be wise to look into the pro’s and con’s of doing whatever your doctors and dentists say needs to be done before actually doing it. Be an informed consumer so, if you do decide to take any particular piece of medical advice, you will be giving  INFORMED rather than BLIND consent. FIND A HOLISTIC OR BIOLOGICAL DENTIST Many, probably most, dentists and physicians don’t understand the connection between root canals and breast cancer or other illnesses. If you take your health seriously, it would be wise to find a biological or holistic dentist for all your oral health care.

You can search the following sites to see if there are these types of dentists in your area:  International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology, the (IAOMT)International Academy of Biological Dentistry and Medicine (IABDM), and the Holistic Dental Association. (Jockers, 2016) FOR MORE INFORMATION


If you want more information on root canals and why they’re dangerous, take a look at Dr Robert Mercola’s 2015 article Toxic Tooth—How a Root Canal Could Be Making You Sick. Also see the 2014 book by Robert Kulacz, DDS, and T.E. Levy, MD, JD, The Toxic Tooth: How a root canal could be making you sick. This is Kulacz and Levy’s website for their Toxic Tooth book: It’s worth taking a look.


REFERENCES American Association of Endodontics. (2016). Endodontic Facts. See: (2015). Do Root Canals Cause Breast Cancer? See: Colgate Oral Care Center. (2016). What Is Root Canal Treatment?. See: Desaulniers, V. (2012). Is your root canal increasing your risk for Breast Cancer?  Breast Cancer Conqueror. See: Holistic Dental Association. (2016). See: Homeopathic Dental Hygiene Clinic. (2016). Meridian Tooth Chart. See: Huggins, H. (2010). Root Canal Dangers. See: Integrative Life Solutions. (2016). Reveal Your Body’s Secrets Through Clinical Thermography. See: International Academy of Biological Dentistry and Medicine (IABDM). (2016). See: International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology (IAOMT. (2016). See: Iris Associates. (Undated). How Does Thermography Work? See: Jockers, D. (2016). Are Root Canals Really a Cause of Cancer? The Truth About Cancer. See:  Kehr, W. (2016). Breast Cancer. Independent Cancer Research Foundation, Inc.  See: Kulacz, R. & Levy, T.E. (2014). The Toxic Tooth: How a root canal could be making you sick. See: Kulacz, R. & Levy, T.E. (2014). The Toxic Tooth. See: Mercola, R. (2012). How a Root Canal Can Affect Your Health. See: Mercola, R. (2015). Toxic Tooth—How a Root Canal Could Be Making You Sick. See: Thermogram Center. (2016). Thermal Images: Teeth. See: Wikipedia. (7/21/2016). Enterococcus faecalis. See:

Copyright 2016. Joan Rothchild Hardin. All Rights Reserved.

DISCLAIMER:  Nothing on this site or blog is intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

Comments submitted prior to 8/25/2021

Very interesting information. Thanks for sharing it.



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